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Rhythm of The Wave

Are you ready?! World Gym for Life Challenge is only months away, and we are ready to make this summer the best of your life!

Right now 2200 gymnasts from 22 countries are preparing their show for this event! Never before has World Gym for Life Challenge had that many participants! How cool is that?!

Now is time to let the wave of excitements start – from far north here in Norway to where every YOU and YOUR team are! Share your video on Instagram, and we can share it on facebook to all our followers. Use the tag #rhythmofthewave and #gfl2017.  Make sure to have your Instagram account open, if its private we will not be able to see your video, and that would be a real shame. If you want to make a longer video then Instagram accepts, you can also share directly to Gym for Life Challenges facebook or email us,

We will start the wave, and hopefully you will share a video where you introduce your team. Already in an few days, our wave will go to one of the teams far north of Norway!

Let the wave of friendship, gymnastic and joy begin! #rhythmofthewave #gfl2017

First out is us, – The LOC. We’re pretty confident that you will make a better wave-video than us. We cant wait to meet you all here in Norway 26th of July!